Moving Into the Community: Paying for Your Move
updated March 7, 2025

Even if you don’t qualify for Medical Assistance (MA), you still can get help if you want to move out of a facility.

The Senior LinkAge Line

If you are in a nursing home and you want to return home, call the Senior LinkAge Line® (SLL) at 1-800-333-2433 to get help. Trained staff at the SLL can talk with you over the phone and in person to help you plan your move. They will also provide in-person and phone follow-up for up to five years after you move out of a nursing home. There is no charge for the follow-up care, but it is only for people who aren’t already on a public program.

Your Health Care Plan

If you are on Medicare or get private health care, you may get your health care through a managed care organization. This is very common in Minnesota. If you get care through a managed care organization, you may have the same transition services available to you that are discussed in this article. However, your plan may limit you to using specific providers.

To learn more about the transitional services your managed care organization offers:

Call your managed care provider’s member services number. Often this number will be on the back of your health plan card. Tell them you are interested in moving out of the facility you are living in and you want to learn about the support services you can get.

You can also call the Senior LinkAge Line® (SLL) at 1-800-333-2433 or Chat with a Hub expert.