HB101's Programs section introduces many programs that can help you pay for your rent or pay for services.
Housing resources:
- The Individualized Housing Options Resource Guide for Persons with Disabilities is an excellent resource that covers many housing topics.
- The Thinking About a Housemate? worksheet can help you understand whether living with a housemate makes sense for you.
- Minnesota State University in Mankato has a good list of different personal budget tools.
- Your local legal aid office can help you figure out solutions to legal problems, such as your rights as a tenant, resolving criminal histories, and more.
Resources for making home improvements:
- If you qualify for an MA-Waiver program, it may help you pay for environmental accessibility adaptations to your apartment, house, or vehicle.
- Minnesota Housing’s Accessibility Loan Program provides low-interest loans for homeowners with low income who want to make improvements to their homes.
- Minnesota Housing’s Fix Up Program provides low-interest loans for homeowners with low to middle income who want to make improvements to their homes.
- In the Twin Cities, the Safe at Home Program helps with free accessibility improvements for low-income homeowners who are seniors or have disabilities.
- In the Twin Cities, the Home Repair Program also helps with free home repairs for low-income homeowners who are seniors or have disabilities.
- If you are a veteran with a service-connected disability, you may be able to get a grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to make accessibility improvements to your home.
Resources for finding work:
- Minnesota CareerForce locations can help you find a job and plan for your career. To find a Center near you, call 1-651-259-7501.
- If you have a disability, Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) can help you apply, prepare for, and find a job.
- If you get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program can help you with free employment-related services, such as training, transportation, and vocational rehabilitation.
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