Keeping Your Housing
updated February 1, 2025

You may have disagreements with your neighbors or landlords, with care providers, or with management at group homes, such as Adult Foster Care or Assisted Living establishments. The important thing is to resolve these problems so that you don’t have to move out.

Dealing with Landlords

If you are having problems with your landlord, learn about your rights as a tenant. Home Line Minnesota is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping renters. You can call their trilingual (English/Spanish/Somali) hotline at 1-866-866-3546 or 1-612-728-5767 to get advice about issues such as:

  • Repairs the landlord needs to do but hasn’t done
  • Violations of your privacy by the landlord
  • The home you rent is under foreclosure because the landlord hasn’t paid the mortgage

This organization offers a set of form letters you can use if you want to communicate with your landlord about a problem.

Note: If your difficulties with your landlord are serious, you may need to speak with a lawyer. Home Line Minnesota may be able to help you find an affordable lawyer.

If your conflict with your landlord is about rent

If you are having trouble paying rent, look into strategies that can help you.

Problems with Group Homes

If you live in a group home, such as Adult Foster Care or a Board and Lodge facility, you may have problems such as:

  • Feeling the quality of the services in your housing isn’t good enough
  • Being unhappy with the food
  • Noticing that the housing isn’t well kept
  • Having trouble with the billing

These problems may be easier to solve than you realize if you can discuss them calmly with the housing management. However, if you are in a conflict situation, it may be because you and the housing management are unable to come to an agreement.

Since all group homes are regulated or licensed by the state government, you can report your problem to the appropriate agency, if you have problems and cannot reach an agreement with the management in your group housing. Different types of housing settings are licensed or regulated by different state agencies, so make sure to contact the right one. Read the articles in HB101's Types of Housing section to learn which agency regulates the type of housing you live in.

The state’s Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care can also help you improve your quality of life in your group housing situation. To contact it, call 1-800-657-3591.

Dealing with Neighbors

As always, the best way to deal with problems is usually to improve communication. Here are some steps you can take to resolve a conflict with a neighbor:

  1. Vent with a friend first, just to get your feelings out and get support from someone you trust.
  2. Calmly discuss the issue with your neighbor. The goal of this discussion shouldn’t be to assign blame but to work together on a solution.
  3. Listen to your neighbor as well — your neighbor’s point of view may be helpful in solving the problem.

If you are uncomfortable about meeting with your neighbor, you can try sending a letter using Home Line Minnesota’s template.

If the problem continues, you may need to get help from others. The Minnesota Association of Community Mediation Programs can help you find local mediators who can help resolve problems between yourself and your neighbor. By using mediation, you can avoid a costly lawsuit.