MA-Waiver programs offer services to help people with disabilities and seniors live in the community, instead of in a facility, such as a nursing home or Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DDs).
Tip: If you live in a facility now, you may be able to move out and start to get the services you need through an MA-Waiver program.
Services MA-Waiver Programs May Provide
MA-Waiver programs help people who need long-term care services to live in the community. Common MA-Waiver services include:
- Home-delivered meals
- Help with cleaning
- Transportation
- Employment services, including work Exploration, Development, and Support
- Adult Foster Care (AFC)
- Assisted living
- Integrated community supports, and
- Payment of caregiver living expenses
If you have or want a caregiver who can live with you, MA-Waiver programs may help pay for your combined living expenses, if you have a BI, CAC, CADI, or DD Waiver (see below).
If this sounds interesting, talk about it with your MA-Waiver case manager.
Who They Help
To qualify for MA-Waiver programs, you must:
- Qualify for Medical Assistance (MA) because of your disability or because you are 65 or older, as well as having low income and low assets. You may also qualify if you can get Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD). Learn more about qualifying for MA on Disability Benefits 101.
Need MA-Waiver services to:
- Protect your health and safety
- Develop or keep skills you need in your daily life
- Meet your needs, interests, and desires
- Avoid living in an institution or help you live more independently in the community
Qualify for one of these programs:
- Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver. Brochure | Fact sheet
- Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) Waiver. Brochure | Fact sheet
- Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver. Brochure | Fact sheet
- Brain Injury (BI) Waiver. Brochure | Fact sheet
- Elderly Waiver (EW) Program (ages 65 or older). Brochure | Fact sheet
- Alternative Care (AC) Program (ages 65 or older). Brochure | Fact sheet
Additionally, the MA-Waiver services must not be paid for by any other program, such as private health coverage, Medicare, MA, or Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS).
How You Apply
To see if MA-Waiver programs might help you, contact your local county or tribal human services office and request a MnCHOICES assessment.
If you think you might need long-term services, you can request a MnCHOICES assessment, even if you don’t currently get MA or any other benefit, and even if you have money to live on. Within 20 days, the county must send a MnCHOICES assessor to help review your situation and see which long-term care programs or services might help you.
During this review, the assessor looks at what programs and services might help you live in the community, including MA-Waiver programs, Medical Assistance (MA), and Community First Services and Supports (CFSS):
- If you might qualify for public benefits, the county will help you fill out the application forms. The application process for MA-Waiver programs depends on if you currently have MA coverage. The MnCHOICES assessor will explain how to apply and help you get started.
- Even if you don’t qualify for public benefits, the assessment can help you learn about services, accommodations, and resources.
Note: If you qualify for an MA-Waiver program, some counties have a waiting list before you can get services. How long you have to wait depends on the MA-Waiver program, the county, and if you are in a priority group (like if you live in an institution).
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